Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Field Garlic (Allium Vineale)

Not sure how but Field Garlic snuck it's way in with Pink Evening Primrose, Gladiolas, Lemon Balm and a few other things. I wondered what it was last year and let it grow. I did taste it and it does have a garlic flavor. This garlic is not native to here but is to Europe,North Western Africa and South Western Asia. In North America and Australia it's considered an invasive species. I see why as quickly as it's spread in a small spot in the backyard. They say it can cause bad tasting milk if eaten by cows. No cows in my backyard at last check but the list of brave animals who are seen back there are growing. It contains vitamin B and folic acid and can possibly help lower blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. Nice to know it's here if I need it. I am a garlic fan and a fan of Discovering His Creation ! 

Field Garlic (Allium Vineale)

Field Garlic (Allium Vineale)

Field Garlic (Allium Vineale)

Field Garlic (Allium Vineale)

Field Garlic (Allium Vineale)


  1. found some by the road next to my dumpster .Put some in my Spagetti sauce ...not bad .This year there's twice as many .
