Sunday, December 7, 2014

Nandina (Nandina domestica)

This Nandina shrub wasn't here when we moved in during the 1970's. Back in the 1990's my Daddy dug it up from the woods and we transplanted it to our yard. I later moved it again to where it's been now for a good many years. This evergreen shrub has beautiful red berries that always catch my eye this time of year. They remind me of the Christmas season. Nandina is native to Eastern Asia from the Himalayas to Japan. It was said to have been in the United States by the early 1800's and has become naturalized in the Southern United States. The berries can be toxic to cats and some grazing animals I've read. It's said to only cause low toxicity but the berries do contain alkaloids. One is nantenine. Nantenine is being used in research as a antidote to MDMA. My mother says she ate these berries as a child and didn't become sick eating them. She didn't eat large quantities but would eat a few at a time. She had no remembrance of feeling any different either. Most information I find lists them as nontoxic to humans. Although I have read that they were toxic. A little confusing right? Other parts of the plant also contain hydrocyanic acid which could be fatal if ingested. Interesting that hydrocyanic acid has been used in fumigating. Maybe we need more information then since there's some confusion over this shrub. I never see birds eating these berries and read there are studies saying it was harmful to them. In fact am I back to the question of toxic berries ? As for myself I don't think I want to try them if they do contain cyanide. Remember to be cautious and well informed. Have reliable expert information before trying any wild edible. Even in colder weather there are still so many things for me to discover about God's creation here. I hope you'll take time to know the Creator of everything and take a look around to discover His creation where you are. 
Nandina (Nandina domestica)

Nandina (Nandina domestica)

Nandina (Nandina domestica)

Nandina (Nandina domestica)

Nandina (Nandina domestica)

Nandina (Nandina domestica)

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