Saturday, November 1, 2014

Mums (Chrysanthemum)

These Chrysanthemums have been in my front yard for a while. My mother planted them there and they are beautiful to look at in the fall. Although I know them when I see them and I knew their name I'm discovering more interesting facts about them. They are native to Asia and Northeastern Europe. Chrysanthemums were first cultivated as far back as the 15th century BC in China as a flowering herb. They were imported from England to America in 1798 and in 1884 California was first to grow them as the Chrysanthemum industry began here in the United States. The Chrysanthemum is a symbol of the Emperor and the Imperial Family in Japan. I was a little surprised that about 200 years ago people in central Asia discovered that dried crushed flowers of certain Chrysanthemum were discovered to be toxic to insects. French soldiers during the Napoleonic Wars used them as an insect powder to control fleas and body lice. In fact Pyrethrum is still extracted from certain species of Chrysanthemum and combined with other chemicals and used in household insect sprays. Yellow and white Chrysanthemums from the C. Morifolium species have been used in teas. The leaves of some species are cooked and used especially in Chinese cuisine. Some species of Chrysanthemum have been used medicinally to help with blood pressure and cardiac problems. Always be cautious, well informed and have the advice of an expert before trying or using medicinally any new plant! Remember to do your research first! So much I never knew about the Chrysanthemum ! I'm discovering God's creation where I am I hope you'll take time and discover His creation also. 





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