Sunday, June 1, 2014

Carolina Bristle Mallow (Modiola Caroliniana)

Sometimes when I search for  information on plants I come across one I'm not looking for but I recognize. That was the case with Carolina Bristle Mallow which is considered a weed. I see it occasionally and those small reddish pink flowers creeping along the ground. It's in the Mallow family and that's easy to tell by the name. As to it's edibility well, that's a little confusing to me. It's listed as poisonous to livestock but then I've read only in large quantities. It could be due to the fact that mallows contain nitrates. As for humans we can be subject to nitrate toxicity too. There are some accounts of people I found on the internet who claim it is edible and they had tried it. Everyone is not as sensitive to nitrates so I don't have a definite answer. It seems they have had no problems in eating it. So I'm left with the question to eat or not to eat ? :) Where are the experts ? The Houma Indians of Louisiana used it as a gargle for tonsillitis and sore throat and that's about all I have found. I would love more information if anyone has any. So many plants and herbs here and what a great Creator who made them all. I'm Discovering His Creation with new eyes that see this all different than before. 


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